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 Articles >>> Music
Rilo Kiley's 'More Adventurous'
Music: 22.02.05, 21:14:33 by mib
Music My friend AmyO gave me More Adventurous by Rilo Kiley to listen to. The implication was I would enjoy it, and I must say I have enjoyed listening to it very much.

So what is so unusual about this you ask? Well there are a couple of decades between us in age and she has tendency to like music on the bleeding edge. On her site she has made big claims for this album and one song in particular. I Never she claims 'is the best pop song ever written’. I don’t think I would go this far but the whole album is excellent.

Now for the part Amy is going to hate. Listening to it made me want to listen another album I own and have not listened to for quite awhile. The album is Winter Light by Linda Ronstadt. The good part of this is she will be unable to argue against this as I know she will never listen to a Linda Ronstadt album.

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There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes.
Doctor Who


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